Sunday, May 8, 2016

Define "sadness"

Sad, is when you cried under your pillow in the middle of the night alone. Sad, is when you try harder but you couldn't achieve any yet. Sad, is when you are full and surrounded in the crowd, yet you are lonely at your pace and grieves.

Sadness is, when you have no one to tell about what makes you sad.

No one ever understand your sadness, except Him, the One watching you every second, the One understand you deep in your heart, the One heals your pain away. Sometimes, we (human being) always, usually takes everything for granted. Till we lose the precious moments, the beautiful gifts, and the wonderful people around us. Then, we started to argue with our God, we started to questioned Him on what happened, we started to blame Him for taking away what has been given to you.

I guess, the utmost and important is actually your heart. Either you decided to choose sadness over happiness, or otherwise. But somehow, it just our nature, to have that kind of feeling. I just feels like deceiving myself at the moment.

Well, it looks like I have to deal it by myself.

O Allah, the Almighty and the Greater.

Please, help me. Help me to get through all these hurdle, sadness, grieves. I am not as strong as before. I am in "sadness"

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